Thursday, April 30, 2009

Apple I-Phone Ripped

Hi guys Hawk here today i decided to purchase a new phone and for that I looked at some great phones and one of them is obviously the delicate darling I-Phone that's what I like to call it because of its shiny glass like look.

Apple iPhone Phone Specifications:

  • 3.5 inch display screen
  • 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz audio frequency response
  • 2 MP camera
  • All types of Language support
  • Dimensions- 115 x 61 x 11.6 mm
  • Weight - 135 gms
  • PC with USB port
  • Connectivity - Bluetooth, GPRS, EDGE, WLAN
  • 24 hrs of audio playback
  • Battery use up to 5 hrs on 3G
  • Up to 10 hrs on 2G
  • 4/8/16 GB shared memory

Touchscreen :

The touch sensitive screen allows displaying of pictures at a very high resolution. The screen has some displayed icons that allow people to access the functionalities of the device very easily. One just has to touch the icons in order to access the functionalities very easily. With multi-touch you can flick, pinch AND tap. To zoom out of a photo, pinch, to zoom in, just reverse the pinching action. It senses touches by means of an electrical field and allows very natural actions.


Its 2 MP camera allows capturing of pictures and videos. It is a high resolution camera that allows users to use the phone for meeting their photography requirements. The camera is unique and can be used by people to record all memorable events of life.


The dimensions also makes the gadget very compact. It is because of its dimensions that people find it possible for them to carry the device along with them wherever they go.

Audio capability:

The handset is known to play scintillating music that allows listeners to remain tuned with all the latest songs and music albums. The audio player allows users to listen to music in popular format

Video Capability :

The Apple iPhone is known for its video playing capacity that makes it possible for people to watch video clips and other such programmes.


Playing games is also very interesting in this device. One can easily download and play fascinating games. The video games can belong to category such as racing, puzzle and air-strikes.

WAP browser :

The browser is used to surf the internet at high speed. Files of all kind are downloaded with ease. These can be music , video and gaming files. The users feel contended on using the browser to surf various websites at high speed.


Apple iPhone is furnished with up to 16 GB memory space. It allows people to store files of all type. The users feel contended to use this space to store contact information, images and videos.


The users can make use of the handset to send SMS, MMS and emails. Emailing is a marvellous means to send attached files. The users make use of these services to send messages to others.


The battery of the device is capable of giving standby time of 250 hrs and talktime of 8 hrs. This battery is a confidence booster for people who rely on it to render service even while one is travelling to distant places of the world.


The Apple iPhone connects with other gadgets by making use of Bluetooth technology. It is a wireless means to send files. Then there are also other connectivity options that allow people to remain connected with the device. The USB port is a marvellous means to transfer files from the phone to other devices very easily. Cable cords are brought to use to connect with the USB port.

GSM enabled:

Being GSM enabled the users can depend on this handset. They can carry it to distant places of the world and still remain connected. The users feel good to carry it as they are confident that they can remain connected with their near and dear with the aid of this handset..

2G enabled:

All the services that are offered by the 2G network can be accessed on the handset. The services offered by the network are very genuine and it brings the latest updates of mobile phone services.
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Monday, April 27, 2009

A Dream Come True

Wow it was amazing, it was awesome, it was great , IT was a dream come true for any cricket fan out there today. Two world class batsmen playing together well the famous Indian song applies here;"It happens only in India" Well you could change that to Indian Premier League.

If you are a cricket fan then the names Sachin Tendulkar and Sanath Jayasuriya might be Godly to you; well they definitely are for me and my dream of watching both the players playing together came true today in the IPL season 2 Mumbai Indian's vs Kolkatta Knight Riders. It was like two professional players were playing gully crickets in the streets of India. No I don't mean to disrespect the other team players what I mean is that the runs scored by both only through boundaries was more then 100. Not only that both the players showed great skills by playing shots that can be said to be innovative as well as creative. I know I am not able to explain everything perfectly its just that I am too excited. Well at this point the Mumbai Indians have made 187 runs and the Knight Riders need to make 188 to win which does not seems possible. You can take my word that they have lost it.

Mumbai Indians scored 187/6 in 20 overs.
The Mumbai Indians Opening pair made a blazing partnership of 127 runs in just 12.1 overs as Mumbai Indians notched up the highest total at St. George's Park in any form of Twenty20 cricket.

Winning the toss and batting first, Tendulkar led the brutal assault with a knock of 68 runs off 45 balls that was studded with 4 sixes and 6 fours, slamming his third IPL fifty in the process.

Jayasuriya also hit his third IPL fifty with the help of 4 sixes and 2 fours and was dismissed for 52 that came off 32 deliveries.

Both Tendulkar and Jayasuriya were dismissed by Laxmi Ratan Shukla in consecutive overs.

Shukla first trapped Tendulkar in front of the wicket in the 13th over and in his next over had Jayasuriya caught by Arindam Ghosh at backward point.

Who ever wins or loses I am really enjoying cricket. The 20twenty version has definitely brought cricket at its best.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Editing Your Blogs Proportions and Sizes

Hi guys sorry about the delay again I am not going to bore you by giving you reasons so just lets get to the post.
Our last post was about Adding Html in Blogger Post and today we will learn how to change the size and proportion of your blog.

The area that contains your content or you can say the article that you post is known as main content area and the columns on the side of the main content in which you can add widgets and stuff like that are known as sidebars. The main content and the sidebars fall under the outer wrapper. The outer wrapper can be simply said to be the width of your blog. So it is obvious that the width of the content area should be greater that the sum of the width of the sidebar and main content. Now as you understand the difference between the different portions of the blog we may proceed to editing the html.

The first thing that you should know is that all these parts of the blog have their own place in the html of the blog and these are the places that contain the detailed structural information that determines the position and size of the part in the blog and these codes start with some what similar to the following lines in the html of your blog:

div#main {
div#sidebar {
#outer-wrapper {

Below these lines there will be codes that will provide the respected information you will have to search for the line containing some what similar code


Now the blog template that I use is designed such that it changes itself to match the resolution of the visitor's screen but if your blog template is not similar to mine or if in your template the width is in pixels (px) and not in percentage (%) then its better to use the default unit. Increase or decrease the number to increase or decrease the size of that part of your blog.

That's it now if you have understood this technique then you can change the size and proportion of any blog template and not only that you can change the sizes of any css site and templates.

This post has been taken from the Blogater Blog.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

7 Simple Steps To Lose Weight

Weight loss and dieting are two words which people don't like to hear, overweight or not; cause whenever these words fall on your ears the first thing that comes to your mind is strict routines and body cushing workouts but beleive me it can be fun too.But it's not hard to loose weight and it shouldn't be. Here's 7 simple steps to make loosing weight fun and easy.

Exercise in the morning before you eat breakfast Research has shown you'll burn three times more body fat working out during the morning than out at any other time of day.

I'm not talking about doing 100 push up with one hand behind your back, take it slow and easy. Do a few toe touches or arm curls with 5 pound weights each morning. The key here is easy and fun.

Though, you need to perform both resistance and cardio workouts so get your cardio in by taking a walk or jog to the park or around your neighborhood with your favorite tunes playing on your walkman or ipod. Believe it or not your body will continue to burn fat even after you're done excising so be sure to eat a full breakfast to get your energy levels back up.

2) Stay hydrated by drinking water.
Drink lots of water all day long from the time you wake up to when you go to bed. Drink 8-16 glasses filtered or bottled water a day. That may sound like a lot but after your morning workout you will probably drink one or two glasses of water.
Not only is water good for you, but it also flushes out harmful toxins in the body, increases your metabolism which will help you burn fat and keeps your skin complection clear.

3) Do light resistance training before cardio workouts

During the first 20 minutes of any exercise, your body will burn not any body fat. To counter this fact during the first 20 minutes of a workout do some stretching or warm-ups. Stretching and warm ups are important for exercises because it will help your muscles loosen up and prevent you from having any cramps and kinks the next day. It will also help increase your metabolism which will help you burn the fat.

4) Eat Breakfast
Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day but it will also boost your metabolism and give you the energy you need to burn fat. Eating a healthy and hearty breakfast will help put a stop to the cravings during the day so you won't find yourself snacking in between meals.

5) Change your mindset
People who are battling with weight (and even those who aren't) often compare themselves with others. Don't fall into this trap because you will never feel you stack up to the competition enough. Low self-esteem will lead you down the road to emotional trouble and will prevent you from reaching your goal. People are genetically different and therefore will lose weight in different amounts of time. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Be your own person and stick to your own target weight. Weight loss is not a race or a competition, the only person you're competing against is yourself.

6) Change your lifestyle
If you normally drive to work take the train and walk to the station. Take up some dancing classes or sign up some classes in a sport of your interest. This will not only get you exercising but doing these activities will also help you meet new people. Remember, loose weight easily while having fun.

7) Take before and after photos
While this may be hard for some people as they shy away from cameras at gatherings and it may not be easy to see yourself overweight. However, there is no easier way to see the progress your making than by taking before and after weight loss images. After you reach your target weight you won't be able to keep yourself away from cameras. You'll want to show everyone what you achieved.

In addition to helping your self development before and after weight loss images serve as a good reminder of how much you have achieved and can achieve if you set your mind to your goals.

By following these 7 simple steps to loosing weight you'll be on your way to your desired weight.
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Building A Better Back

Hi I am Hawk and in this post we will be discussing about the exercises that can build the lats and traps, no guys am not speaking French or Chinese, these are the two biggest muscles of your back.

Every one in this whole world want a, no not a, The V-shaped look and to get that you need a broad, strong back. And to get that you need to target two of the biggest muscles in your body. When it comes to surface area few muscles have a larger surface area than the latissmus dorsi, also called as the lats, and the trapazius also called the traps.These muscles are big and they work in conjunction with other muscles, like your biceps so isolating them is quite tricky. But if you succeed then the results are outstanding.

The lats is a thick, wide set of muscles that runs in a fan shape from the top of you humerus, i.e. the bone in your upper arm, to your lower spine and pelvis, it is needed for your arm moment.

the traps is triangular and starts at the base of your spine. It's attached to the back of your shoulder-blade (scapula) and your clavicle (collar bone). It helps you turn your head and also helps with things like shrugging and sometimes called scapular adduction, which happens when you pull your shoulder blades together.

Its all an intricate, wonderfully balanced system that allows freedom of movement, speed, endurance, balance and tremendous strength. Consider that hurling a spear, swimming for hours and throwing a dart accurately, all happen with the same muscles

Now how do you develop these muscles so that they're attractive as also functional?

Some Exercise:


Grab a chin-up bar with your hands just more than shoulder-width apart and your palms facing away from you. Hang loosely, then pull yourself up until your chest nearly touches the bar. remember that the slower you raise and lower yourself, the more of a workout the muscles get.some fitness instructions recommend that if you can do more than five pull-ups you shoulder wear a dipping belt with a weight hung from it. If you are starting out or are only reasonably fit, concentrate on getting your moves right first.

2)Bent Row:

Put two dumbbles on the floor in front of you. Stand with your feet apart and bend over until your spine is nearly parallel with the floor.

Keep your back straight your butt out and bending your knees slightly. now grab your dumbblesand lift them, keeping your elbows close to your sides. Lift the weights until your elbows are completely bent, then lower them.

3)One-armed Row:

Stand parallel to an exercise bench and put your right hand on it, so you are half-kneeling on it. Reach down with your left hand and grab a dumbbell from the floor. Keep your elbow close to your side and lift slowly. As you lower the dumbbell again, rotate your wrist through 180 degrees. This put a load on more muscle fibres than a straight up-and-down. Do three sets of 10 or to failure.

4)Upper Back Move:

Now finally you are ready for the ultimate upper-back move. Take a swig of water from your squeeze bottle, dry your hands and settle down at the lat pull-down apparatus. Sit with your feet flat on the floor, legs angled slightly outwards to keep you balanced. Grip the bar with your thumbs over it and your hands a bit further than shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight and pull the bar down to your chest Don't pull it behind your neck and wrists or you will stress them and not the muscles you are targeting. Cocking your elbows slightly backwards helps your lats and traps to get a workout. Keep the move smooth and slow do three sets of 10 or to failure.

Well that's all you need to do to get that V-Shaped look you always wanted.

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Dating Tips For Men

This post is for Men who are really nice and so shy that they can't confess their love to the one they love and would like to dedicate their life too. This post lists the most important things to take care of when you are dating a women. Here are the points:

1)It's ok to suggest a drink instead of dinner for a first date.She could be on a diet.

2)Call her by early evening on Monday to confirm a Tuesday get-together.(Weekends aren't for first date.)

3)If you want to keep the plan a surprise, at least clue her in so she has a fair idea what to wera.

4)She expects you to know her eye colour after the first date and not her figure.

5)Yes, she will notice if the date location you've choosen is conveniently around the block from your place.

6)Don't assume that just because you are out with a beautiful woman, she knows how pretty she looks - she wnts to hear it from you.

7)Ask if she's too cold or too warm, and if changing the temperature is in your power, fix it.

8)When in doubt, hold her hands.

9)Well you know how we judge women; but women judge men by whether they can imagine kissing them. White teeth, fresh breath and chapped lips make her more apt to pucker up.

10)Do not ask her,"So, what kind of music do you like?" The last 25 guys asked that be original.

11)If she touches your arm, she's interested; if she touches your legs, she's interested tonight.

12)Very small protective gestures go a long way and show her you are a gentleman: offer your arm as she is stepping from acurb, direct her away from shards of broken glass or anything.

13)She will notice if you wait until she is safely in her car or house before you leave. Wait extra 90 seconds, and next time you might be going in with her.

14)Women need momentum- without it, they loose interest or wonder if you have. Momentum = a minimum of one date a week, plus a couple of phone calls in between.

15)She knows that when you invite her over for a homemade meal or to watch a movie, it's code for "tonight is hook-up night". Don't play this card any early then date three.

16)Don't say, "I will call you," if you have no intention to. She'd prefer that you say nothing at all.

17)A Friday or Staurday night is required by date four. Otherwise, she'll wonder who else you are seeing.

18)If anything happens then call her the next day. Otherwise, she'll feel cheap and used.
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